“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” -Coco Chanel

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hair Evolution

So this is really random, but this is kind of a timeline of the evolution of my hairsyles. The first pic is when I was probably ten, in Lake George. I always wanted to sut my hair short, (before that it went down to like, my knees) so I got it cut short. But, you see, then I had coconut hair, like this. It looks good on other people, just not me because I have a big nose. The first pic was a little wavy because that's how my hair naturally is. SO the second pic I figured short hair was not my thing, so I started curling my hair. I had this weird crunchy curl spray. When I went to middle school I started growing my hair out, so that's the third pic (Shirt/sweatshirt by areopostale, Sunglasses- D&G) Then, the final picture is me a few months ago, I grew my hair out and started pulling it back. My personal favorite for my relatively safe self. Sorry about Lady Gaga behind me. So experiment!

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